The Power of the Resurrection
What a year it has been? After a year of an unprecedented global pandemic, we pause this week to reflect on where we have been and where we are going. While Easter may still look different, the Word of God has not changed and the hope filled message of Easter continues to transform lives at the Mission and across the world.
The week prior to the resurrection started on a high note with Palm Sunday. “A large crowd of Passover visitors took palm branches and went down the road to meet him. They shouted “Praise God! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hail to the King of Israel!” John 12:12-13 NLT.
In one week, everything changed for Jesus. On Sunday, the crowd cheered for Him and on Friday, they were calling for His death.
When we reflect back on the events of Holy Week, we can look at those events in 1 of 2 ways:
First, we can look at the events on Friday as Bad Friday or Good Friday. You can see it as bad Friday filled with death, pain, defeat, and disappointment. Or you can see it as Good Friday marked with redemption, deliverance, forgiveness, and love. Jesus took on all of our in one single act. He did not deserve his sentence for it was meant for us. Jesus took our place on the cross so that one day, we could be side by side with Him and the Father in Heaven.
Second, we can look at Saturday as No Hope Saturday or Hope Saturday. Jesus told the disciples on many occasions that one day, He would be sentenced to death and rise again. They knew what to expect but still some doubted. We can see it as No Hope Saturday marked by hopelessness, judgement, and life with no hope or future. On the other hand, we can see it as Hope Saturday filled with hope, faith, promises, and a future.
Finally, we look at the events of Sunday. We can look at Sunday as Dead Sunday or Resurrection Sunday. Dead Sunday is filled with death, spiritlessness, and damnation, and a sense of ending. Resurrection Sunday is filled with life, rebirth, restoration, and reawakening.
There is Power in the empty tomb of Christ that can bring life to the deadest, driest sun bleached bones. “God, the Master, told the dry bones, “Watch this: I’m bringing the breath of life to you and you’ll come to life.” Eze 37:5.
Mission Family, Jesus is not dead in the tomb and none of us have to be either.
We have 2 choices when it comes to the Resurrection. We can choose grace and mercy or hopelessness and defeat. At the Mission, we give our guests the message and tools needed to discover the healing and hope found in the resurrection of Jesus. This is what establishes their foundation for the rest of their lives and this is how we change our cities one life at a time. An empty tomb has the power to breathe life into dry bones, transform an addict into a follower of Christ, and heal the wounds of sin and brokenness.
We all have the power to help transform lives in our cities but many of us don’t know where to start. Start here: Tell someone who needs to hear it what God has done in your life and then tell them about redemption found in Good Friday, the hope found in Hope Saturday, and new life found Resurrection Sunday!
-Pastor Larry Otwell, Executive Director
Do you have questions or have a prayer request? We would be honored to pray for your during your time of need. Please email your prayer request to prayer@sbrescuemission.com and our prayer team will be in prayer for you.