COVID-19 Update
Here at the Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission, health and safety has always been our top priority!
To date, no known cases of the coronavirus have been identified at any of the Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission’s campuses. We continue to monitor the situation closely, following all recommended guidelines from the Louisiana Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As Governor Edwards moves into Phase 2 of reopening in Louisiana, the Mission is making the following updates to our intake and donation drop-off procedure.
Each year, the Mission serves more than 1,100 men, women, and children. For all guests coming seeking shelter at the Mission or currently residing at the Mission, the following guidelines have been put in place:
- Intake hours are now 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Our staff will continue to ask more questions during our intake screening such as travel history, underlying health issues, and more.
- Guests temperatures are checked twice daily and will be checked upon entry to the Mission.
- Social distancing markers and signage have been displayed around the Mission to encourage social distancing.
- Increased frequency and rigor of cleaning and sanitation
- Increased hand sanitizing stations
- Display of signage on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- Quarantine rooms and protocol have been put in place should any guest at the Mission display symptoms of COVID-19. If guests display common symptoms of COVID-19, the Mission will work to get those individuals transported to the appropriate healthcare facility.
- Staff with any of the symptoms, fever and cough, flu like symptoms is asked to stay home.
We want to thank our donors for their patience during this pandemic. We are excited to announce that the Mission will begin accepting donations at 901 McNeil St. with the following guidelines in place:
- We ask that donors drop off their donations on Tuesdays and Thursday between 9 am to 4 pm at 901 McNeil St.
- Per Mayor Perkins’ Executive Order, all donors MUST wear face masks.
- Donation drop-off will be self serve. Many of our guests suffer with underlying health conditions, therefore, neither staff or guests can assist you in bringing donations inside the building. All donations must be brought in by the donor.
- Donations are to be placed in the administrative office lobby by the donor.
- Donation receipts and pens will be available in the lobby. Donors will be responsible for filling out their own donation receipt.
- Please do not drop off donations if you are feeling ill and please adhere to social distancing guidelines when you drop off your donations.
The Mission Thrift Store will be reopen for business starting Thursday, June 18 and will begin operating under its normal business hours of Tuesday through Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm. The Thrift Store has registered with Open Safely LA and has put the following protocol in place to protect both customers and staff:
- Daily sanitizing of the Thrift Store. All surfaces, door handles, and carts will be wiped down regularly.
- Store personnel will wear masks and per Mayor Perkins’ current Executive Order, customers will be required to wear them as well.
- Social distancing markers will be placed in the store.
- The Mission Thrift Store will operate at 50% occupancy in order to comply with Phase 2 occupancy orders.
- Display of signage reminding staff and customers on the signs and how to limit the spread of COVID-19.
- No directly employee and customer contact.
- Regular screening of employees for COVID-19 symptoms.
- Customers are encouraged to stay home if they are experiencing fever or any flu like symptoms.
The Mission is continuing to plan for addition re-openings in the coming weeks. Please continue to watch for updates on social media and please share so we can get the word out.
Our staff is continuing to pray for you and your families during this time. Just as you have been here for us in times of need, we are here for you. Time and time again, you have shown how generous our community is and how we rally together in times of need. We would be honored to pray for you and your family in your time of need. If you would like us to pray for you, please email us your prayer request to prayer@sbrescuemission.com.
If you are looking for ways that you can help the Mission, here are a couple of suggestions on how you can help.
- Continue to pray for the Mission’s guests, staff and families
- Check social media often to stay up to date on our current immediate needs
- Share our updates on social media so we can spread our needs to the community at large
- Give a financial gift to help continue the work of our Life Recovery Program. We’re concerned with the fluctuation in the market and economic fears that donations may take a dive, just when we need them the most. Your gift will ensure that no needs of our guests and our cities go unmet